1.      Getting Started

This Quick Start Guide will introduce you to TMX Test Kit and take you through some basic exercises that cover core functionality.  This is not intended to be a complete tutorial or manual.  Refer to the TMX Test Kit Reference guide for details on all functions and options.

2.      Introduction to TMX Test Kit

2.1.  What is TMX Test Kit?

TMX Test Kit is an application that allows users to store libraries of test cases in a database.  This basic architecture provides a robust set of functions that are used to document, maintain and ultimately, generate WinRunner® executable versions of test cases stored in TMX Test Kit.  In a single, standard database, TMX Test Kit integrates creation and maintenance of manual AND automated test scripts.  TMX Test Kit does not replace WinRunner® but when used with WinRunner® creates a unique and powerful technology for managing demanding testing projects.

There are 3 main components of the TMX Test Kit database; Objects, Actions and Test Scripts.

2.2.   What can I do with TMX Test Kit?

After using any methodology to design tests, a test analyst can create manual and/or automated tests in the Script tab, using the TMX Test Kit’s point and click techniques.

At any time during test creation, clicking the Narrative tab generates an English language test script that can be used for manual testing.

When the TMX Test Kit Execution Option is installed, clicking the Executable tab generates a full-function WinRunner automated test script.

Windows and window objects used in the application under test can be easily added to TMX Test Kit’s Object Tree.

A robust set of Actions is installed with the initial database. Object Classes and Actions are easily modified or added as needed to meet the testing needs.

Both manual and automated tests can easily exported to TestDirector and WinRunner.

2.3.  What are the main components of TMX Test Kit?

TMX Test Kit’s main components are identified by tabs:

The Test List tab allows the creation of a folder structure that organizes tests into logical collections defined by the user. All the required test level functions such as New, Open, Copy, Paste, Rename, and Delete are available.  Under the Test List tab, “Batch Tests” functions can be used to operate on all or any of the tests in the database to generate test narratives, export narrative sets to text files, generate automation scripts, export scripts and narratives to TestDirector © or print selected tests.

The Script tab is used to create or modify a specific test. All of the required step level functions such as Add, Edit, Cut, Copy, Paste, Skip are available for any step(s) in the test.

The Narrative tab displays the current English level description for the current test steps.

The Executable tab displays the current WinRunner TSL for the current test steps.

The Objects tab displays the selected Object Tree. All of the functions required to add, edit or delete objects in the Object Tree are available.

The Actions tab displays the current Classes and Actions for each class defined in the database. All the functions required to Add, Edit, or Delete classes or actions are available.

The Admin tab displays all the current users of the shared database. All the functions required to Add, Edit, or delete users are available. Other administration functions allow modification of TMX Test Kit’s configuration, database backups, and creation of a new database version.

The Help tab displays Icons used by TMX Test Kit, and information about TMX Test Kit’s version.

2.4.  Who would use TMX Test Kit?

A QA project team that wants to improve the efficiency of

·        Manual test creation and execution.

·        Automated test generation and execution.


2.5.  Installing TMX Test Kit

2.5.1.     Downloading from our website

Simply point your browser to www.ScriptTech.com and navigate to the Downloads page.  Download a fully functional version of TMX Test Kit for evaluation up to 30 days.  A self-extracting zip (TMXInstall.zip) will be downloaded to the destination of your choice, usually something like “C:\MyDownLoads.”

2.5.2.     Unzipping the Install package

Once you have downloaded TMXInstall.zip, double click the file to start the extract process.  The installation file and setup programs will be extract to a temporary folder, usually something like “C:\Temp” or “C:\STInstall.”

2.5.3.     Running Setup

Now find Setup.exe in the extracted folder and double click it to run setup.  After you review and accept the terms of the license agreement, setup will install TMX Test Kit and all of the necessary components including a demo database, demo application and reference guide.  You are now ready to logon to TMX Test Kit.

2.5.4.     Logging on the first time

TMX Test Kit comes with several User Ids.  There are 2 levels of users; Normal and Administrative.  Normal users can create, edit and delete test scripts.  Only Administrative users can modify Objects and Actions.

Admin Logon (user id/password):      admin/admin

User Logon (user id/password):         user/user

2.5.5.     Evaluation period and registration

A free evaluation period of 30 days is provided for you to try out TMX Test Kit.  Your evaluation software may be converted to a fully functional license with a registration key.  Contact ScriptTech for pricing and consulting services.

2.5.6.     Interfacing with WinRunner™ and TestDirector™

TMX Test Kit does not require that you have WinRunner® installed however; you will not be able to execute any of your test cases automatically.  All other functions, including Test Narratives generation and valid WinRunner scripts, work independent of WinRunner.  The same holds true for the optional interface to TestDirector.

3.      Our demonstration application, DemoApp.exe

The application is a very simple application designed as a testing target application to teach the use of TMX Test Kit.

The Demo Application contains a list of current members.

In the Logon Window, a current member such as Bob can logon using password bob and click the Member List button to see the member list.

Clicking the Main Menu Button from the Member List window serves the Main Menu window displaying the current member.

In the Logon Window, a new member can register by entering a User ID and clicking the Registration button. The Registration window is served. Completing the information and clicking the Submit button servers the Member List window with the newly registered member displayed.

4.      Introduction to the Sample database

The Sample.mdb contains a set of tests under the Test List tab.  These are sample tests that can be executed against the included “testpage.htm”.

5.      Start TMX Test Kit

On the Welcome to TMX Test Kit window enter the following:

User ID { sti }

Password { sti }

Browse to { TMX Test Kit install directory\Sample.mdb } (should be default)

Click Logon.